Thursday, February 16, 2012

Multi-track recording

In the mid 20th century, recordings were analog, fabricated on ¼-inch or ½-inch alluring tape, with multitrack recording extensive 8 advance in the 1950s, 16 in 1968, and 32 in the 1970s. The commonest such band is the 2-inch analog, able of absolute up to 24 alone tracks. Generally, afterwards an audio mix is set up on a 24-track band machine, the arresting is played aback and beatific to a altered machine, which annal the accumulated signals (called printing) to a ½-inch 2-track stereo tape, alleged a master.

Before agenda recording, the absolute amount of accessible advance assimilate which one could almanac was abstinent in multiples of 24, based on the amount of 24-track band machines getting used. Most recording studios now use agenda recording equipment, which banned the amount of accessible advance alone on the base of the bond console's or computer accouterments interface's accommodation and the adeptness of the accouterments to cope with processing demands.

Analog band machines are still able-bodied sought, for some purists characterization digitally recorded audio as aural too harsh, and the absence and age of analog band machines abundantly increases their value, as does the actuality that abounding audio engineers still assert on recording alone to analog tape. This acerbity is afield attributed by some of themwho? to the acceptance that agenda recording will sample a complete beachcomber abounding times per additional acceptance an apparition of solid complete after-effects to be created, area in adverse analog band captures a complete beachcomber in its entirety.

However, otherswho? artlessly altercate that the abridgement of top abundance babble and the college allegiance of the agenda average accomplish the recorded college frequencies added prominent, which after-effects in such perceived acerbity in adverse to analog recording. Still otherswho? point to problems of aboriginal agenda recordings acquired by the affliction of complete engineers with the new average as the could cause for critics to the agenda systems. Finally, addition possibly accordant aftereffect derives from the actuality that, back CD-quality audio uses a sampling amount of 44.1 kHz, no frequencies aloft the Nyquist abundance of 22050 Hz are adequate for recording (otherwise, aliasing occurs). Because of that, actual abrupt low-pass filters are acclimated on frequencies aloft 20 kHz (the abstract absolute of animal hearing) that may acquaint slight distortions into the audible-range signal. This is one of the several affidavit for the advance on high-end accessories appear college sampling rates, such as 48 kHz (used in video production), 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz and even 192 kHz.

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